
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterised by loss of contact with reality (psychosis), hallucinations (usually, hearing voices), firmly held false beliefs (delusions), abnormal thinking and behaviour, reduced expression of emotions, diminished motivation, a decline in mental function (cognition), and problems in daily functioning, including work, social relationships, and self-care.

  • Schizophrenia is probably caused by hereditary and environmental factors.
  • Individuals may have a variety of symptoms, ranging from bizarre behaviour and rambling, disorganised speech to loss of emotions and little or no speech to inability to concentrate and remember.
  • Medical professionals diagnose schizophrenia based on symptoms after they do tests to rule out other possible causes.
  • Treatment involves anti-psychotic drugs, training programs and community support activities, psychotherapy, and family education.
  • Early detection and early treatment are favoured to improve long-term functioning.
  • How well individuals do depends largely on whether they take their medications as prescribed.
  • Treatment involves anti-psychotic drugs, training programs and community support activities, psychotherapy, and family education.
  • Early detection and early treatment improve long-term functioning.

Refer to Schizophrenia and Related Disorders.

Schizophrenia is a major health problem throughout the world. The disorder typically strikes young people at the very time they are establishing their independence and can result in lifelong disability and stigma.

In terms of personal and economic costs, schizophrenia has been described as among the worst disorders afflicting humankind.

Schizophrenia affects about 1% of the population, men and women equally.

In the United States, schizophrenia accounts for about 1 of every 5 Social Security disability days and 2.5% of all health care expenditures.

Schizophrenia is more common than Alzheimer disease and multiple sclerosis.

Determining when schizophrenia begins (onset) is often difficult because unfamiliarity with symptoms may delay medical care for several years.

The average age at onset is the early to mid-20’s for men and slightly later for women.

Onset during childhood is rare, but schizophrenia may begin during adolescence or late in life.

Deterioration in social functioning can lead to a substance use disorder, poverty, and homelessness. Individuals with untreated schizophrenia may lose contact with their families and friends and often find themselves living on the streets of large cities.

The condition can last a lifetime, with poor psychosocial functioning throughout the lifetime in most cases.

Did You Know?

  • Schizophrenia is more common than Alzheimer disease and multiple sclerosis.
  • Various disorders can cause symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia, and include:
    • Thyroid disorders;
    • Brain tumours;
    • Seizure disorders; and
    • Other mental health disorders